A family joining together to support one another in a common goal: to be healthier, have more energy, take better care of the bodies God gave us, and to loose weight!

Weigh In # 4 January 20th PLUS Exercise Challenge

Week #4 Weigh In!  Post it as a comment.  
I'll post the percentage results soon. 

Exercise Challenge!!

We've been going strong for a month now, but let's kick it up a notch with a work out challenge for this week.  Starting today, weigh in day, keep track of how long you work out in minutes.  On your next weigh in, also log how many total minutes you've exercised.  Walking, lifting weights, Taebo, ...whatever!  Calories in minus calories out!!  Let's go team! 


  1. Kendra: 138 (lost 0 pounds)
    I am not happy about not losing anything... but at least I didnt gain anything.
    What killed me was going out of town last weekend and not disciplining myself as much or working out.

    I worked out for 95 minutes this week

  2. Sorry, Internet is down so I will try to post drews weight on my phone.
    Drew: 226 (lost 0 pounds)
