A family joining together to support one another in a common goal: to be healthier, have more energy, take better care of the bodies God gave us, and to loose weight!


Are your frustrated?  Feel free to vent about here.  

Have some motivation?  Feel free to leave it here too!


  1. I'm frustrated with...
    -how expensive it is to eat healthy
    -wanting to have snacks/treats for the rest of my family in the house, but always feeling tempted
    -giving in to convenience sometimes- after church today- starving... we drove through McDonald's...end of story!
    -getting so many snacks through out the day for boys and being tempted
    -giving so much time exercising when I'd rather be doing other things
    -trying to figure out a new workout/shower schedule
    -scale not moving at much as I'd like
    -tired of being uncomfortable- being hungry and exhausted, ready for it get easier
    -wanting to snack while I cook
    -giving in to coke/sweet tea cravings
    -making a healthy but terrible meal and then feeling so frustrated and hungry = bad food choices

    yea,um, I have more, but maybe I should stop...

  2. I also am frustrated with the scale not moving as much as I want it to. I also agree that it is very agrivating that it costs so much to eat healthy. Who has that kind of money? :-(

  3. I hate this. I work out every chance I can between work and school and I have lost nothing the last two weeks. I feel like I'm the red team girl from biggest loser. But I seriously don't know what I am doing wrong. What can I do differently??? :(
